Alternative Narratives: INSENSITIVITY
Hector Bunyan
The queue wound its
way around Dundas street onto Bay. Every loading bay was crowded
with parents and children, suitcases , stuffed toys and gifts for
the folks back home. Children were restive with anticipation. I
could sense in the adults that state of being present and distant,
here and there, here attending to the instrumental requirements of
the immediate situation, and there, where the primal memories were
birthed and patiently await one’s return. The family that shaped us
is there: a parent or parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbours,
childhood’s bedroom, toys, storybooks, the family photo-albums, the
dog slowing with age and the cat that will no doubt surprise us with
its own peculiar way of saying hello.
Until I had
witnessed this crowded bus-depot on this Thanksgiving weekend, I
would have described the immigrant as someone who migrated to Canada
from another country. On this day, I was compelled to expand my
understanding of the immigrant to include someone who migrated to
the big city from a small town with its one main street. What we
shared in common were the memories we left behind, our
vulnerability, and because of this vulnerability and the objective
to “make it” in the big city, we all learnt to quickly acquire a
suit of armour behind which we can hide our true self.
Because of what I
had witnessed and experienced this Thanksgiving weekend, I could no
longer allow myself the dishonesty of labeling the so-called other
as my adversary. Both she and I were engaged in a daily dance to
hide the attributes that gave us our claim to humanity in order that
the demands of survival would not injure our soul.
Over time, I
learnt that this exercise of distancing ourselves from our authentic
self would infect this big city with an insensitivity that at
times could lead to casual displays of callousness. Every day we are
challenged to take a leap of faith by removing the mask and
destroying the suit of armour. That’s the challenge we are
presented by the homeless in our midst, the mentally ill, and the
scream for help we ignore at Two in the morning that leads to the
discovery a few hours later of the frozen, lifeless body of a
neighbour who was led into the winter night by dementia.